Tuesday 28 January 2014

Clockwork Comic, Tattoo Catalogue and Octo design in Context

Although I've set off for this to be a submission for the offlife comic competition, if it doesn't get selected my plan is to make a front and back cover and some pattern pages, I'd like it to be a decent 12 page zine to take to ideally try to get into a few shops. I've had an idea as to what kind of place it would be suitable for, and I'm hoping the style of the comic will appeal to a wide range of ages. In terms of where it should be housed I would love the opportunity to talk to the No Guts No Glory guys to see if they'd be interested in featuring my work. Also alongside with the taxidermy/Steampunk fascinators I make it would be a great idea to maybe take it to alternative/steampunk craft/clothing fairs, people are always trying to find unique goodies there, and it's a great way to network with the type of people that would be interested in my work.

This would be an amazing event to aspire to get to one day!

other alternative events like this (below) will also benefit my tattoo zine, it's the type of place where people want to get ideas for tattoos, the alternative world admires the beauty of tattoo designs and maybe a little booklet for a fiver would be better than committing to a tattoo too soon! [=

Also in Bristol where I'm from Gloucester Road has a whole host of individual businesses, some of which would be really happy to feature local artists work. Iota is a shop who seeks alternative art prints/booklets to sell instore amongst their vintage/quirky gifts, the tattoo zine would work really well here, I know they already have a few things like traditional tattoo wrapping paper. Also various cafe's and galleries there are so many places to ask in Bristol they're really friendly and keen to help people out especially on gloucester road,

In terms of agencies, these two outcomes have been quite different. However I do feel like I'm developing two strong styles. One being the more 2D digital outcomes, and the other being the more traditional tattoo designs using colour pencils, I think my love at the moment are the tattoo designs, as that's an aspect of illustration I'd really like to look into, having spoken to various tattoo artists already it's a good place to start practicing my ideas. I hope this translates well with illustration agencies, I know that phillip harris retrained as a tattoo artist but that was after he'd been in the industry for a while so managed to develop an amazing style, I really aspire to be a great illustrator like him - I know tattoos are a part of the western culture a lot more, so I hope this style can start fitting in to more mainstream and commercial style illustrations/collumns etc.

I feel as though http://www.lemonadeillustration.com/ fits in with my more quirkier style. They seem to have a nice variation of illustrators, a few of which I think my style can apply to. The digital side I think works well alongside these illustrators, funnily enough one has done an octopus drawing!


Milli-Jane  Illustration -
Giulia Rivolta Illustration -
and the more pencilled designs:
Mercedes  deBellard Illustration -
Carole Wilmet Illustration -
This agency seems quite good for a more story-children friendly artwork, maybe for the clockwork zine

I like the style of this agency, there seems to be a good varied collection of artists, varying with different practices, I can see where I could potentially fits in here,
really love these two artists:
picture 4122
and http://www.goodillustration.com/portfolio/Phil-Wheeler-31/
he seems a really good mix of styles, I love the pattern, the symmetry, the animal and the fact it looks painted but is digitally done (I think!)

 picture 3479

And finally it's always good to aspire to be with the big guns!!! Once I've developed my style more and settled on something I think I'd be more confident to try and submit work to them. The Central Illustration Agency!
Adore this work! I can see how I could try and adapt my work to make it more commerical and accessabile for others, this is a perfect example of a beautiful pattern design, maybe that's something I should try more ofhttp://www.centralillustration.com/illustrators/ray-smith

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