Thursday 15 May 2014

Projects in Context

Looking at other ways to use existing projects or where I can apply it in other contexts.

Summer Show Poster:
The summer show poster follows mad hatter and vintage themes with the teapot and revisited colours. It would be great to develop it further as there are lots of opportunities especially in the summer for creating summer inspired posters - for tea parties and vintage events.

Examples of tea posters...

Norma Junk
I'm really starting to love my pinup girl I created after re-colouring them. The more colourful character works better in the vintage clothing scenario but I can really see the black and red character being used for burlesque events and other rockabilly entertainment. promotional posters, leaflets etc. I can really envision the red and black characters in a cocktail glass for a bburlesque event!

Examples of Burlesque posters...

Hallowed Latex Clothing Menu:

It's a pretty simple outcome really, but reminds me of paper cut outs, that might be a fun project to take on, might produce some interesting outcomes, if I combine the burlesque with the clothing menu would be like a little paper strip tease for adults!

Or possibly even combining my digital outcomes with simple paper cut outs of pinup girls, as the female form can have some great curves and shapes!

Finally my bears!

At the moment to put it in context my bears are being used in a Zine, on business cards, Postcards and stickers. For a while my octo xbox digital outcome has been my promotional tool but I think this Bear project has been some of my most successful work. I feel as though I've finally achieved a style I can work to, I feel as though I can apply my work from this zine to various areas. I can develop it into prints, greetings cards etc... I think it's a project good for developing into further make and sell projects. Aim to have a full product range like paperchase when they have a design featuring on books, ags, pencils, rubbers etc.

Also the original photo I found in national geographic magazine, my story has sort of developed around the photographers picture, not directly and not copying but I have contacted Paul Nicklen to show him my illustrated story so hope to hear back from him soon!

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