Tuesday 11 March 2014

Choices Choices 2

Having done more research into what I'd like to do for my final project I've narrowed down on 3 things I'f like to do.....

Summer Show Poster - Mad Hatters Tea Party Theme
I think this is a really great project to work on, as the deadline is coming up quite fast, meaning I can put my attention to my other projects later on in the month, this will work out on my timetable quite well. My design will incorporate the mad hatters tea party theme with influences from alice in wonderland e.g. playing cards, pocketwatch etc.

Make & Sell - i enjoyed this from my last project I really love doing indy practices, so in some ways is a continuation from this but homing in the theme more. I will still be looking at tattoo designs, but I want to develop the theme more centered around 'The Hare'. I created a tattoo design called 'The Hare and the Eye of Providence' I think it was one of my more stronger outcomes, and need to develop it more, I'd ideally like to print designs on tees, large prints and other media, but using phillip harris as an inlfuence I'd like to limit my colour pallete or just do 'greyscale' imagery. (or black printing ink)

Mini Comic - Unsure as to whether I'll do 1/2 comics, but I have two themes either following on from spiritual chickens, it would be good to create a novel with my final image, as it's been one of my more successful illustrations, or the other theme 'Spirit of the Forest' I think this could be a really beautiful comic if I illustrate it right, I found an article in National Geographic magazine about rare white coated black bears in canada, and the image was just of this pure white bear (almost alike a polar bear) in the lush green forest, they call it a spirit bear because they're ghost like. I considered the Pylon press but unsure whether I'll be able to achieve 24 pages, I think it could be doable if I possibly develop pattern pages, title page etc.

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